Bold, brash & daring.
Challenge: How do you refresh the goliath that is Dare Iced Coffee? A national brand that has a strong emotional connection with its consumers already, our brief was to modernise and evolve the Dare brand, strengthening its coffee credentials and discernment along with visual cues – all without losing
its huge consumer following.
Solution: As meticulous brand and packaging designers that appreciate an icon, we embraced the enviable challenge of evolving this much-loved brand.
Starting with the Masterbrand, we were careful to preserve the distinctiveness, while increasing the bold ‘Dare’ mark and owning the bean shape.
This now takes centre stage with complete confidence, and creates a platform beyond its birthright of Iced coffee.
On-pack, we created a clear brand and variant area with a dynamic angular divide. This houses more sophisticated colour hues, in line with rich coffee tones. We simplified the communication and sprinkled in coffee language and graphics. Energetic coffee beans were added to complete the picture, adding to the narrative and uplifting cues.
The result is a Dare connection even stronger than its coffee fix.

A new brew.
Challenge: Create brand and packaging for a new range of Cold Pressed Coffee from the juggernaut that is Dare. A range that taps into the discerning and experimenting coffee lovers through a more sophisticated offer. With the objective of seducing new users and tantalising current lovers of Dare by bringing the boutique cold coffee extraction process to the drinks fridge. B! Brand partnered on the launch of Dare Cold Pressed through research, brand development through to launch and embraced the enviable challenge of making it feel part of the Dare family, but different enough to get noticed in a vibrant, busy route fixture and at the same time reflect the semiotics of coffee and coffee culture.
Solution: We introduced hand-crafted, intricate and ornate coffee cues, along with cues that ordinarily belong in the craft beer arena, that talk not only to the process of how cold pressed coffee is made, but reflective of the growing sophistication of the target market and their evolving tastes.
Metallic embellishment was used to project the powerful Masterbrand off the moody background of a rich, dark bottle. Subtle variant communication that suits the mood, along with textural treatments positions the product as an authentic, credible coffee.

When Dare sparkles.
Challenge: Newness isn’t ever easy to navigate – but it’s always exciting. When we were tasked with creating a new innovation that broke free of Dare’s traditional flavoured milk platform, we jumped at the chance. Especially when we heard the words ‘Sparkling’ and ‘Coffee’ together.
Dare’s new offering needed to promote a unique and refreshing proposition, with a coffee kick to compete with traditional CSDs and new health giants like Kombucha.
Solution: B! Brand partnered on the creation of Dare Sparkling, embracing the challenge of communicating an unknown consumer expectation and experience.
Using the Dare masterbrand as a trusted coffee anchor, we employed a more traditional hierarchy to frame the new energy drink in our Dare consumer’s mind. From here, we built bubbles and coffee cues to make it a worthy competitor in the premium drinks space.
Now you can reach for your bubbles and your coffee in one can.